A Destination for Peace of Mind
Use the buttons below to quickly jump to the information you need. From required downloads to directions, parking and checking in, we’ve got you covered.

While there is no long-term parking at The Doorways, there is temporary parking available for loading/unloading. Nearby parking is available for all guests.
Temporary parking is off 7th Street (enter under the Between Healing and Home awning!)
VCU Health Parking and Shuttle
VCU Health patients can show their guest ID card and park for FREE at the hospital’s Visitor/Patient Parking Deck at 529 N. 12th Street. The hospital shuttle service provides FREE transportation to and from The Doorways each day.
Please see the front desk about the shuttle schedule upon arrival at The Doorways.

Checking In
The Cost of a Stay
Our cost to provide each guest a room is about $60 per night. Guests are asked to contribute towards their stay with a suggested donation of $15 per guest per night and to provide a refundable $30 security deposit. But no one is ever turned away for their inability to pay.
The Check-In Process
Guests who have been referred to The Doorways can check-in anytime, day or night. Upon your arrival, a staff member will:
- Verify your referral
- Issue an ID card and wristband
- Review and sign the rules of the house
- Collect your refundable $30 security deposit

House Rules

In every home — even your own — there are a few rules you would like everyone to follow. It’s the same here at The Doorways. Our policies are meant to keep you and your family safe and provide a pleasant and comfortable healing experience.
A copy of the rules will be provided to each guest at check-in, but here are some key points:

No alcohol, weapons, or illegal drugs are allowed inside The Doorways. Guests using these around or in the facility will be asked to leave immediately.

No smoking is allowed inside the building, or outside your room. This includes e-cigarettes and vaporizers. Smoking is permitted only in the designated area and away from the main entrances. If you are found smoking in a restricted area, you will be asked to leave.

No pets are allowed. Only registered service animals are permitted to stay at The Doorways.

No taking another guest’s labeled food items — this is a serious violation and will jeopardize your stay at The Doorways. We have plenty of snacks in our shared pantry and walk-ins for everyone to enjoy!

No visitors after 10PM. Please greet and keep all visitors on the 1st floor. Only registered guests are allowed on the upper floors. Visiting hours are from 6am-10pm.
Have a Question?
To contact the Guest Relations Manager, Michael Blumberg, please email or call him at 804.828.6901 ext. 115.

Be a Part of the Magic
The generosity of our community is a big part of who we are. Partner with our team to continue making our mission a reality.